Pioneer artifacts, furnishings in Black Range cabin.
Pioneer artifacts, furnishings in Black Range cabin.
Hiking, picnicking at moutain-camp ruins. (only guide dogs allowed.)
Las Cruces, NM HikingDona Ana County Fairgrounds west of Las Cruces on I-10
Las Cruces, NM SpeedwaysFields, tennis/basketball courts, horseshoe pits, playgrounds, jogging, Olympic-size pool....
Highlights orgin of U.S. missle / space activity, Atomic Age. Inform guard you are going to visit museum or Missle Park....
Gym Peak at 7,106 feet, Florida Peak at 7,295 feet. Seasonal quail / ibex hunts, by permit, applications due early April. 15 ...
Built with Hearst money in 1898, now museum/art gallery....
Fishing, picnicking, campsites, showers....