

Indian / Spanish artifacts, local history, in historic A.J. Fountain home.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Mesilla, NM

Cibola National Forest Magdalena Ranger District

Maps for hiking/campgrounds....

Gila River Management Area, Riparian Area

Many bird species. North of Cliff along confluence of Mogollon Creek and Gila River....

Ladd S. Gordon Waterfowl Complex

Bernardo Unit. State waterfowl area, crops grown for birds. Wildlife viewing, sighing / hunting in season. 1600 acres along R...

Winding Roadside Picnic Grounds

Oasislike picnic area overlooks Elephant Butte Lake...

Fort Selden State Monument

Ruins of 19th-century adobe fort. Visitor center, self-guided tours, living-history demonstrations May-Sept., every Saturday ...