

Clermont County Convention & Visitors Bureau

category : Visitors Center
Nestled along the scenic Ohio River, Clermont County is conveniently located twenty minutes from many Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area attractions. Offering the best of both worlds, Clermont is the perfect location for visitors who want to play in the city and enjoy peacefulness found in the countryside. In Clermont County you will find historic landmarks, fine golf courses, quaint shopping districts, affordable accommodations and picturesque river communities.

Hours: Monday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Address: Clermont County Convention & Visitors Bureau

410 E. Main St.

P.O. Box 100

Phone: (800) 796-4282
Our Email:

Come visit us in Batavia, Ohio

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Tri-State Warbird Museum

The Tri-State Warbird Museum is a historic aviation museum dedicated to remembering those who fought for our freedom and honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We preserve, restore and operate World War II military aircrafts (warbirds)

Batavia, OH Museums

Clermont County Courthouse

Batavia became the third county seat of government on February 24, 1824 . Ezekiel Dimmit built the first courthouse on the NE corner of Main and Market streets in 1827. The second courthouse was built on the same site and was dedicated on December 19, 1936

Batavia, OH Historic Courthouses

Elks Run Golf Club

Situated on 163 acres of lush rolling hills in Batavia, Ohio, Elks Run Golf Course is a 6,833

Batavia, OH Golf Courses

Red Barn Flea & Antique Market

Largest Gift Shop, "Flea Market", in Clermont County, OH. Something for everyone with entertainment, food court and the ultimate/

Batavia, OH Businesses

Things to do Visitors Center near Batavia, OH

Clermont County Convention & Visitors Bureau

Nestled along the scenic Ohio River, Clermont County is conveniently located twenty minutes from many Greater Cincinnati and ...

Clinton County Convention & Visitors Bureau

A destination marketing organization dedicated to making visitors to Clinton County and southwest Ohio feel welcome and infor...

Caesar Creek Lake Visitor Center

Visitors should begin their tours at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Visitor Center, the overlook and the dam areas. The Vis...