

Old Greer County Museum

category : Museums
Old Greer County Museum The Old Greer County Museum was established as a depository to preserve and keep the knowledge, history and facts regarding Old Greer County, and to protect and commemorate the people, places and things that represented this area previous to Statehood, and provide a lasting memorial for those brave pioneers who carved a home out of an untamed wilderness.

Old Greer County, once a part of Texas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma Territory, is now the present counties of Harmon, Jackson, Greer and all south of the North Fork of the Red River, which is now in Beckham County.

The 1908 Border-McGregor Hospital building and grounds provide a perfect place for the Museum and Halls of Fame for the Old Pioneers and the Young Pioneers. All three floors and basement are filled with displays and are open to the public. Over 60 rooms display artifacts of Old Greer County, with room to expand. Throughout this museum are photos and memorabilia of the early pioneers and the communities where they lived. This is a place where you can turn back the clock and walk among the early pioneers to this area. A person can not just make a quick visit of a few minutes. There is so much to see, and feel and sense, that when you leave, you know you must return.

The basement contains a collection of farming items, horse drawn plow, etc., display of various types of Barbed Wire, used by the pioneers to fence in their land, bird collection and a room of Indian Artifacts of Oklahoma and the Great Southwest.

The first floor contains the Indian Room, Cowboy Room, and many rooms of Pioneer furnishings, including parlor, bedroom, dining room, two kitchens, Ante-Bellum furniture, library, records room, conference room, prayer room and offices of the museum and Chamber of Commerce.

The second floor has many rooms filled with mementos of former schools - pictures, trophies, furniture. There are displays of clothing, a Drug and Millinery Store, Barber and Millinery Shops, Military displays, Art, cactus, doll, VIP room and more.

The third floor contains four rooms of Medicine, Optometrist Office, Masonic Hall, Hotel Room, Collection of Salt and Pepper Shakers and other Community rooms.

On the grounds of the Museum is the Old Pioneer Hall of Fame, a furnished Half Dugout, a working Windmill, and a fire station and with a 1928 Seagraves firetruck.

Admission: $1.00 adult, $.50 children and children under 5 free
Hours: 9:00-12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00, Tuesday through Friday, closed
Holidays; Saturday by appointment
Address: 222 West Jefferson Street
Phone: 580-782-2852

Tour Group Services
Advance Tour Group Reservations Required,
Motorcoach Parking (Free), Guided group tours by appointment

Come visit us in Mangum, Oklahoma

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Mangum Library & Genealogy Center - WPA

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A detailed listing and accompanying photos of some of the headstones can be viewed at these informative websites.

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