First United Methodist Church
category : Historic Churches

Address: 301 W. Jefferson
Phone: 580-782-2371
Come visit us in Mangum, Oklahoma
Address: 301 W. Jefferson
Phone: 580-782-2371
Come visit us in Mangum, Oklahoma
On the grounds of the Museum is the Old Pioneer Hall of Fame to honor the Pioneers who were in this area before 1907. Their picture and history are carved in Pink Granite stone and is unique, as there is none other like it in this country. By 1986, there were 160
Mangum, OK Halls of FameA detailed listing and accompanying photos of some of the headstones can be viewed at these informative websites.
The historic Greer County courthouse is truly the center of town and the center of activity. The entire square is surrounded by a unique WPA stone wall with corner fountain structures. In the front lawn is a granite plaque with a brief history of the struggle of the Greer County "empire."
Mangum, OK Historic Courthouses