Larry E. Adair - A descendant of Thomas Wilson and Margaret Bigby Adair and Walter Duncan and Sabina Adair Bigby, Larry E. Adair was elected on November 7, 2000, to a tenth term in the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
Rep. Adair, having served the previous term as speaker pro tempore, was elected to the postilion of Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 48th legislative session.
Speaker Adair and his wife, Jan, both natives of Adair County, still make their home in Stilwell.
Brad Rogers Carson - On November 7, 2000, Brad Rogers Carson, descendant of Thomas Wilson and Margaret Adair Bigby and Walter Duncan and Sabina Adair Bigby, was elected as the Congressman for the Second District of Oklahoma.
He is the only enrolled Native American member of the United States House of Representatives and is the Vice-Chair of the Congressional Native American Caucus.
His parents, Jack Carson and Jimmie Ruth Adair Carson are natives of Stilwell.