

Nowata, Oklahoma

The original courthouse was destroyed by fire on January 30, 1909. The new building was completed in 1912 at a cost of $69,594.64.

Adjacent to the Courthouse is the War Memorial Park. The first stone was set in 1950 by the Newton Martin McKellar Post Number 101 of the American Legion, the Nowata VFW Post Number 2745, and the County Commissioners. It was originally dedicated in the memory of the Nowata County military personnel who died in WWI, and WWII. In 1990, the La Ke Kon Club War Memorialsold 500 bricks and bought stones for memorials for those who died in the Korean and Vietnam wars.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Outdoor Art

The mural painted on the building in the 100 block of South Maple keeps the heritage of Notawa in our forefront as it exemplifies our progress in becoming a proud part of our state and nation.

Nowata, OK Arts

Courthouse and War Memorial

The original courthouse was destroyed by fire on January 30, 1909. The new building was completed in 1912 at a cost of $69,594.64.

Adjacent to the Courthouse is the War Memorial Park. The first stone was set in 1950 by the Newton Martin McKellar Post Number 101

Nowata, OK Historic Courthouses

Woody Crumbo Mural

Located in the lobby of the Nowata Post Office is the 1943 mural by Oklahoman, Woody Crumbo. Crumbo, a Potawatomie Indian born in 1912 near Lexington, Oklahoma, was credited with more than 1200

Nowata, OK Arts

Campbell Hotel

The Noweta Lodge was built by a conglomerate in 1910 and was originally named, the Campbell Hotel, which is the name appearing on the cornice of the building. J. E. Campbell and Emma Journeycake (daughter of Delaware Chief Charles Journeycake) were married on January 17, 1878

Nowata, OK Historic Hotels

Things to do near Nowata, OK

Broken Arrow Community Playhouse

Ongoing Performances. ...

Gourds, Etc. Native American Christmas Art Show

Date: Dec. 5 & 6, 2009 Hours: 10am - 5pm (both days) Just in time for Christmas! Five Cherokee Artists come together t...

Katy Trail

Flatlanders bicycling along the Arkansas River. ...