Tenkiller Hunting
category : Hunting
Hunting opportunities are abundant around Tenkiller. This area is ranked 2nd in Oklahoma for number of deer taken during deer season. Project lands are open for public hunting, except for developed recreational areas and lands in the vicinity of the dam and other project structures. Approximately 2,590 acres of project land are licensed to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife conservation for a State Game Management Area. An additional attraction is the Gruber Public Hunting Area and the Cherokee Game Refuge on old Camp Gruber near the western shore of the lake.
Principal game species include whitetail deer, bobwhite quail, mourning dove, duck, geese, cottontail rabbit, and squirrel. Public hunting maps showing both Corps and State area open for hunting are available from the Tenkiller Lake Project Office near the dam or from the Greater Tenkiller Area Association office in Keys.
Address: 8 miles N of I-40 along Hwy 82
Phone: 918-487-5252
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