

Pauls Valley, Oklahoma

Bethlehem Baptist Church is a church in the likeness of John the Baptist crying out in the wilderness. Pauls Valley is far from a wilderness, however people from as far as Denton, Dallas, and OK City come to worship at Bethlehem. Bethlehem Baptist Church is for people like you!

Bethlehem's Senior Pastor is the Rev. Michael Eaton (Called Oklahoma's Bishop Jakes) of Dallas, Texas by way of Abilene, Texas. Visit Pastor Eaton's myspace page at:

Made a weekend retreat of it and stay at our Comfort Inn Suits (off I-35 55 miles south of OK City Exit 72) or a Bed and Breakfast and visit our town on Saturday. Awake on Sunday and we will see you in the service on Sunday at 11 AM. You will be blessed with healing, revival, restoration, and renewal for your coming!

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Historic Registered Downtown

Twelve blocks in the downtown business district are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Walking and Driving Tour Maps of Historical Pauls Valley are available at the depot, the Chamber of Commerce and the MAIN STREET PAULS VALLEY office. Listed in the tour guide are 61

Pauls Valley, OK Historic Downtowns

Presbyterian Church

Part of the Historic Downtown tour the Presbyterian Church was built in 1923.

Pauls Valley, OK Historic Churches

Masonic Lodge

The Masonic Lodge of Pauls Valley is the oldest enterprise in Pauls Valley in continuous existence. Valley Lodge #6 was chartered on September 7th, 1875 by the Grand Lodge of Indian Territory and has met continuously since that time. Silas Rogers was the first Master of Valley Lodge #6.

Pauls Valley, OK Historic Buildings

Santa Fe Depot Museum

After a victorious battle to save the 1905 depot from demolition in 1989, the city officials finally secured ownership of the old Santa Fe Depot and turned it over to the Historical Society to renovate and manage. In 1991

Pauls Valley, OK Museums

Washita Valley Museum

The Historical Society works diligently to preserve Pauls Valley'

Pauls Valley, OK Museums

Things to do near Pauls Valley, OK

Pauls Valley City Lake

The Pauls Valley City Lake offers a wide range of recreational opportunities including fishing, camping, swimming, jet skiing...

Discovery Well

The area's first oil well. ...