

Seewee Visitor And Environmental Center

category : Environmental Centers
Touch! Feel! Hear! Experience the unique heritage and natural history --plants, animals, amphibians?of South Carolina's lowcounty at the Sewee Visitor Center. A partnership operation between the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Forest Service, the Sewee Cooperating Association, and the South Carolina Center for Birds of Prey, provides educational opportunities and a pleasant experience for all ages.


Attractions and Upcoming Events

See Wee Restaurant

Looks like an old store because it was one. Don'

Awendaw, SC Businesses

Palmetto Swamp Fox Adventure Race

This race covers approximately 60 miles within the Francis Marion Forest with estimated finishing times between 10 and 12

Awendaw, SC Other Attractions

International Center for Birds of Prey

This facility is dedicated to the study and welfare of birds and their habitats,. The 152

Awendaw, SC Other Attractions

Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge

A stretch of barrier islands and salt marshes that make up one of the nation's most outstanding wildlife refuges. The 60,000

Awendaw, SC Wildlife Refuges

Things to do Environmental Centers near Awendaw, SC

Seewee Visitor And Environmental Center

Touch! Feel! Hear! Experience the unique heritage and natural history --plants, animals, amphibians?of South Carolina's lowco...