

This Georgetown spot gives the appearance that it may ease off into the river at any moment. Battered tables, chairs, and nautical decorations look as if they were around back when Ahab went searching for Moby. Yet the Old Fish House is only a few years old, and there's nothing aged about the fresh fish. It's a hip fish shack worth the visit

Attractions and Upcoming Events


First settled in 1526 by the Spaniards, Georgetown was the first settlement in North America. The settlement failed because of a hurricane and Indian attacks and was later established in 1726

Georgetown, SC Other Attractions

Miss Nell's Tours

A personal walking tour of Georgetown's historic district and downtown area. Tours leave from 723 Front St., at the Harborwalk Bookstore T-Th 10:30am and 2:30

Georgetown, SC Tours

Rice Paddy

The Rice Paddy sports burnished wood, exposed brick walls, Oriental rugs, and gorgeous artwork. The food and wine match the romantic setting. I Though their food is expensive, these folks know how to make a mean meal worth the moola. Make a reservation!

Georgetown, SC Other Attractions

Things to do near Georgetown, SC

Myrtle Beach National - Southcreek Course

SouthCreek is an Arnold Palmer gem that winds through a magnificent setting of coastal wetlands and hardwood forests. Most go...

Tidewater Golf Plantation/ Tartan Mgt

2 and 3 bedroom condo's on Tidewater Golf Plantation; Linen rentals; Washers and dyers available....

Super 8

Located across the street from the ocean; near area amusements...

Holiday Shores Motel

Small, family motel located across the street from the ocean....

Barefoot Golf Resort - Love Course

Carolina native, Davis Love III embraces a tradition of Lowcountry character in his latest design. The Love course incorporat...