

NASCAR - Dodge Avenger 500

category : Other Attractions
Forty of the best drivers in the world go head-to-head on the tough Darlington Raceway in a 500-mile race. Although it is still early in the season, a great run at Darlington can set up a driver for a chance at the championship. A disappointing finish at Darlington can haunt a driver all year long.


  • Admission Fee: Yes
  • Fee

Address: 1301 Harry Byrd HWY
Darlington Speedway
Darlington,SC 29540

Phone: (843) 395-8499
Fax: (843) 395-8920

Come visit us in Darlington, South Carolina

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Beaver Creek Golf Club

This manicured golf course has well placed sand traps and small to medium sized bermuda greens. The most difficult hole is #16, a 352-yard, par 4

Darlington, SC Golf Courses

Edmund H. Deas House

Edmund H. Deas (Duke of Darlington) served as chairman of the Darlington County Republican Party in 1884 and 1888 and was a delegate to four national conventions from 1888-1908. An African-American candidate for Congress in 1884 and 1890, Deas was deputy collector of Internal Revenue in SC 1889-18

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