

Dogwood Festival

category : Other Events
A family oriented festival on Denmark's Main Street featuring food, rides, entertainment, games and contests. The Dogwood Festival ends Saturday night with a spectacular fireworks display.

Address: 131 S Palmetto AVE
Denmark,SC 29042

Phone: (803) 793-3734

Come visit us in Denmark, South Carolina

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Voorhees College

Founded in 1897 by Elizabeth Wright and modeled after her alma mater Tuskegee Institute, Voorhees was an industrial school, emphasizing a vocational curriculum for rural African-Americans. The school was named for and funded by philanthropist Ralph Voorhees. In 1967

Denmark, SC Colleges

Voorhees College

Founded in 1897, by Elizabeth Wright, and modeled after her alma mater Tuskegee Institute, Voorhees was an industrial school, emphasizing a vocational curriculum for rural African-Americans. The school was named for and funded by philanthropist Ralph Voorhees. In 1967

Denmark, SC Colleges

Crestwood Country Club

Course Access: Semi-Private
Holes: 9
Reserve Advance Tee Times:

Denmark, SC Golf Courses

Jim Harrison Gallery

Jim Harrison's paintings of farm landscapes, country stores, and small town architecture afford viewers the opportunity to once again "go home." Jim's art and writing have placed him among the nation'

Denmark, SC Arts

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