

Liberty Hill A.M.E. Church

category : Churches
At a meeting in the Liberty Hill African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1950, parents signed a petition demanding integrated schools. Meetings were held at the church for the selection of petitioners in the complaint that would become Briggs vs. Elliott. The case became part of Brown v. Topeka Board of Education - the landmark case that struck down the "separate but equal" doctrine concerning the segregation of schools in 1954.

Address: 2310 Liberty Hill RD
Summerton,SC 29148

Phone: (803) 478-4812

Come visit us in Summerton, South Carolina

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Women's Outdoor Recreation Retreat

The Women?s Outdoor Recreation Retreat is a multi-faceted opportunity to challenge the ?woman within you.?

Summerton, SC Retreats

Summerton High School

Last of the five remaining schools named in the 1949 petition that was the basis for Briggs v. Elliot, the court case dealing with segregated schools and "Separate But Equal"

Summerton, SC Other Attractions

Santee National Wildlife Refuge

This 15,000-acre refuge lies within the Atlantic Coastal Plain and includes mixed hardwoods, pine plantations, marsh, croplands, old fields, ponds, impoundments, and open water. Four management units of the refuge stretch over 18

Summerton, SC Wildlife Refuges

Foxboro Golf Club

Course Access: Resort
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 365

Summerton, SC Golf Courses

Things to do Churches near Summerton, SC

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St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

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Liberty Hill A.M.E. Church

At a meeting in the Liberty Hill African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1950, parents signed a petition demanding integrated s...

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