

Beauvais Heritage Museum

category : Museums
Beauvais Heritage Museum The Clark County Museum started with a pioneer home and then grew to include an impressive array of buildings and displays. It has grown to include the Clark Railroad Depot, a settler's shanty, a pioneer church and school. The most recent addition to the museum was a brand new building built in the spring of 1991. It serves as the society's headquarters with its office, and its showcases of smaller historical items and antiques. A Main Street theme is set up in the building's basement and gives visitors an idea of what Clark was like many years ago. Each museum building is furnished in keeping with its time of use, and there is an extensive machinery display.

Every summer, the annual Heritage Days Celebration is held with a special open house and displays at the museum complex. Otherwise the museum is open by appointment.

Hours: Open by appointment.
Address: N Idaho Street
Phone: (605) 532-5216

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