Granger Lake Hunting
category : Hunting

Primary game species for shotgun hunting are dove, quail, waterfowl, rabbit and squirrel. There is also archery hunting for feral hogs to draw hunts for deer, turkey and gun hunts for hogs.
To enable you to hunt at Granger Lake you must purchase a TPWD Annual Hunting Permit (AHP), along with a valid hunting license and applicable stamps. These permits can be obtained anywhere hunting license are sold.
Address: 7 mi E of Granger via FM 971 on the San Gabriel River
Phone: 512-859-2668
*The GRANGER WMA will be closed OCT 31- NOV 4, NOV 14-18, 21-23, NOV 28 - DEC 2, DEC 12-16, 2005 and JAN 2-4, JAN 30- FEB 1, 6-8, APR 3-5, 10-12, 2006
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