

Windmills of all descriptions are found on the grounds of this 28-acre site, donated in 1993 by the City of Lubbock to document the unique history of the windmill and its effect on early pioneers. Center tells the story of how the windmill settled the West, giving access to underground water on land where there were no rivers, streams, or lakes. Currently the museum features 30 exhibits outside and 75 windmills inside, including one of the first all metal windmills and an early example from the 1800s. Between 19th and Broadway streets. Along Canyon Lake Drive.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Lubbock Memorial Arboretum

On 93 acres with trees, shrubs and many other plants. A central lake is home to swimming ducks and many birds frequent the area. The grounds and Hodges Rose Garden open daily. On the second Sat. of the month, gardening programs are held at the Interpretive Center at 9:30 a.m. on 4111

Lubbock, TX Aboretums

Llano Estancado Winery

Born from a casual experiment with grapevines shading a Lubbock patio, this winery now is one of Texas' largest. Tasting room samples Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc, Riesling, and others. Gift shop and tasting open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sun. noon - 4 p.m. Tours available. Take U.S. 87

Lubbock, TX Wineries

Things to do near Lubbock, TX

Old Tascosa

Pioneer settlers in the early 1870s built adobe huts and irrigation ditches along area creeks. After 1875, village became a s...

Llano Estancado Winery

Born from a casual experiment with grapevines shading a Lubbock patio, this winery now is one of Texas' largest. Tasting room...

Barrow Museum

Displays focus on early farm and ranch days of Concho County and include rare windmills, horse-drawn equipment and farm imple...

Concho River Pearls

Formed in freshwater mussels, pearls range in color from pink to rich purple. Local jewelers offer variety of settings for th...

Vietnam Archives

This collection is the largest primary source materials of the Vietnam War outside of the holding of the U.S. government. In ...