

Famous Mineral Water Company

category : Historic Markers
Founded in 1904 by Edward P. Dismuke, The Famous Mineral Water Pavilion and Gardens is the only company still bottling the historic healing waters that made Mineral Wells famous in the early 1900s.

The site includes a historical marker and serves water, ice cream and coffees from behind the original handcarved wood and marble bar. Visitors are always welcome to come and sample, for free, the different kinds of waters, learn about the history of the area, and stroll through the Texas native gardens. Located at 209 N.W. 6th Street (off of U.S. 281).

Hours: Hours Open: Tues. -Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Address: 209 NW 6th St.
Phone: 940/325-8870

Come visit us in Mineral Wells, Texas

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Palo Pinto Museum

Old jail and log cabin, area history and artifacts. Open weekend afternoons in summer. One block south of courthouse in Palo Pinto, 12 miles west, U.S. 180

Mineral Wells, TX Museums

Scenic Drives

Texas 4 (12 miles west of Mineral Wells at Palo Pinto) south to I-20 offers spectacular bluffs and scenery through the Palo Pinto Mountains. U.S. 281 north from I-20

Mineral Wells, TX Scenic Drives

Lake Mineral Wells State Park & Trailway

2,853 acres of post-oak woodlands and grassy meadows surround 673-acre Lake Mineral Wells;

Mineral Wells, TX State Parks

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