

Barrington Living History Farm

category : Museums
Barrington Living History Farm Explore the home of Anson Jones, the last president of the Republic of Texas. Experience sights, sounds, and smells of this southern cotton plantation with historic breeds and heirloom crops. Daily life on this working 1850's farm comes alive as interpreters in period clothing demonstrate daily chores and skills. Participate in the work of the farm and become a part of the exhibit. Learn how to drive oxen, help plant and harvest crops, and try your hand at spinning or making soap. Explore the farm and experience the daily lives of those who came before.

Anson Jones farmed near Washington during and after his presidency. Jones named his farm "Barrington" after his Massachusetts home, Great Barrington. There he lived with wife Mary, their four children, his sister, sister-in-law, and five slaves. The family home, two slave cabins, a kitchen building, smokehouse, cotton house and barn made up Barrington Farm.

The economy of the farm relied upon the work of the five slaves. Entries that Jones himself made in his daybook show the variety of the tasks, the efforts of the slaves, and ongoing nature of farm work. His words reflect a sense of good fortune and delight in the bounty of his farm.

With Jones's daybook as their guide, the interpreters at Barrington Living History Farm conduct themselves much as did the earliest residents of the original farmstead. The Jones home is original; the outbuildings are replicas constructed by Texas Parks and Wildlife using Jones's own journal and drawings.

Hours: Open Wednesday through Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 11am-5pm.
Address: Located between Brenham and Navasota off Hwy. 105 on FM 1155
Phone: 936-878-2214
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