Course Access: Public
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 30 days
Course Access: Public
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 30 days
20 landscaped acres of cool water thrills, including Kid's Kove, a children's area with scaled-down rides and slides for the younger set. More than 50
San Antonio, TX Water ParksVietnam memorial depicts a scene from the Battle for Hill 881 South-a radio man calling for help for a wounded comrade. Korean statue depicts a Marine and a soldier sitting back-to-back in an outpost bunker in the subzero cold of North Korea in winter of 1950
San Antonio, TX MemorialsEstablished 1731, favorite of many students of Spanish period in Texas, and popular with photographers. The little church building, restored several times, is still in use. Ruins of walls that once surrounded the mission compound; foundations of a granary;
San Antonio, TX MissionsOne level below the downtown streets, the popular Paseo del Rio (River Walk) is edged by hotels, art and gift shops, restaurants and sidewalk cafes, boutiques, and live music. Half-hour scenic riverboat cruises (fee)
San Antonio, TX Historic SitesU. S. largest and oldest producer of onion plants since 1913. Seasonal fresh produce can be purchased by mail order or walk-i...
Learn about the time when Laredo was its own country. Seven flags have flown over quaint, one-story building. Whitewashed pla...
Dolls of every description can be found in the quaint Queen Anne-style house. More than 3,000 dolls on display. Miniature dol...
Course Access: PublicHoles: 18Reserve Advance Tee Times: 1 days...
572.6 acres on shores of Falcon Reservoir. Facilities include cabins, boat docks, camping, picnicking, fishing, swimming, tra...