

17th Annual Jefferson 500.
May 18 – 20 at Summit Point, an event that you won’t want to miss. Top-notch drivers will pilot some of these racers that touch 180 mph on the straight. From the North.
Take I-81 South to Inwood, WV exit. Take Route 51 East to town of Middleway. Take right on the Leatown Road and drive 5 miles to the stop sign. Take a right onto Summit Point Road (Route 13) and drive one mile. From the South.
Take I-81 North to the Winchester, VA (Route 7) Exit. Turn left at the light. Approximately seven miles turn left at the light onto Route 632 (Crums Church Road). Follow Route 632 until you reach the "T" intersection. At that intersection, turn right onto Route 761 (Old Charles Town Road). Continue on Route 761 until you reach the next "T" intersection. Make a right turn, the entrance will be on the right.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Summit Point Motorsports Park - Jefferson 500

17th Annual Jefferson 500.
May 18 – 20 at Summit Point, an event that you won’t want to miss. Top-notch drivers will pilot some of these racers that touch 180 mph on the straight. From the North.
Take I-81 South to Inwood, WV exit. Take Route 51

Summit Point, WV Motorsports

Porsche Fest '06 - Porsche Club of America, Potomac Region

The Potomac Founders’ Region is proud to present the 2nd second annual PorscheFest multi-event weekend.
As many of you will remember from last year’

Summit Point, WV Other Events

Summit Point Motorsports Park - WERA Motorcycle Roadracing

12:00pm Saturday
Solo 16's and Vintage Racing (8 laps).
12:00pm Sunday.
WERA Sportsman Series Races (8 laps each)..
From the North.
Take I-81 South to Inwood, WV exit. Take Route 51 East to town of Middleway. Take right on the Leatown Road and drive 5

Summit Point, WV Motorsports

Summit Point Motorsports Park - Hyperfest

Gates Open at 9:30am on Saturday
Tired of kicking around the local parking lots with your buds to talk about cars and show off your ride?

Come to HyperFest and hang out with thousands of like minded auto enthusiasts. It is all here......come to play or just come to watch.

Summit Point, WV Other Events

Summit Point Motorsports Park - WERA National Motorcycle Roadracing

From the North.
Take I-81 South to Inwood, WV exit. Take Route 51 East to town of Middleway. Take right on the Leatown Road and drive 5 miles to the stop sign. Take a right onto Summit Point Road (Route 13) and drive one mile. From the South.
Take I-81 North to the Winchester, VA (

Summit Point, WV Motorsports

Things to do near Summit Point, WV

Porsche Fest '06 - Porsche Club of America, Potomac Region

THRILLS & CHILLS! The Potomac Founders’ Region is proud to present the 2nd second annual PorscheFest multi-event weeke...

Arts, Crafts & Olde Tyme Christmas Craft Show

Please join us for the 12th annual Arts, Crafts & Olde Tyme Christmas Craft Show at the Hilltop House Hotel in Harpers Ferry,...

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park - Potomac Watershed Cleanup

Volunteers interested in the environment will remove unwanted trash at Harpers Ferry NHP from 9am to noon. Contact ...

Potomac Arts Festival

The Potomac Arts Festival has invited approximately 50 artists to participate. The event will feature nature-inspired ...

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park - Bill Barker as Thomas Jefferson

July 29, 2006 1:00 p.m. This Scene is Worth a Voyage Across the Atlantic with Bill Barker as Thomas Jefferson ...