

Downtown Health Fair
May 2, 2007
8:00am - Noon
Charleston Newspapers - parking garage, third floor conference center
Open to the public
Screenings include:
Lipid Panel $20, CBC $10, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel $15, PSA $25, Hemoglobin A1C $15, TSH $15, Thyroid Panel $25
Free Screenings for: Blood pressure, glucose checks, pulmonary, heart rhythm, nutritional, vital signs, depression, waist: hip ratio, bone density, spinal
There will be many vendors, such as Highland Hospital, Process Strategies, YMCA, Asthma and Allergy Center, and many more.
Call 304-348-1417 or 304-348-4845 for more information.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Charleston - Celebration of Freedom

Free concerts: Live on the Levee Friday - 6:00pm - 9:00pm The Carpenter Ants.
Saturday - 7:30pm - 10:30pm Southern Mix followed by Blake Shelton.
Sunday - Gospel Music Night. 6:00pm - 9:000m.
First Baptist Praise Band from 6:00pm - 6:15pm.
Consecrated Praise Team 6:15

Charleston, WV Other Events

Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus

From April 19 - April 23 , Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® transforms the Charleston Civic Center with the 135th Edition Red Tour of The Greatest Show On Earth!
Show Date & Time:
April 19 - 7:30 PM
April 20 - 7:30 PM
April 21 - 7:30 PM
April 22 - 11:00

Charleston, WV Other Attractions

Capitol Market - Trick or Treat

Trick or treat throughout the indoor and outdoor market.
5:00pm to 7:00

Charleston, WV Other Attractions

Blue and Grey Dinner

Annual Event. The Blue and Grey Dinner will be held at West Virginia Independence Hall on Saturday, April 15. The dinner will begin at 5:30 pm and the program will begin at 7 pm.

Charleston, WV Other Attractions

Things to do near Charleston, WV

Tribute to the River

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Magic Island Family Movie Nights

Every Wednesday night in June!!! Join WQBE for Family Movie nights! There is no admission fee just bring a chair or ...

Ona Speedway -Mtn. 100

Grandstand Admission Pricing: Adults (14 years and up) $7, Children (5-13 yrs)$5, Kids Under 5 are FREE!! Make-Up Date...

Mountain Artisans Holiday Celebration

You're invited to a Mountain Artisans Holiday Celebration on November 3 & 4, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Capture the cha...

Kanawha Valley Soap Box Derby Association - Special Division Race

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