The fully restored Chesapeake & Ohio (C & O) Depot, circa 1906, is fully restored wood-frame depot with numerous tall windows, high ceilings and extended overhangs on the roof making this one of the more architecturally detailed depots in West Virginia, listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1998.
Originally turned over to the City of St. Albans in the late 1980's, it was initially leased by the St. Albans Woman's Club and then by the present Friends of the Depot. Filled with Rail Road photos, artifacts and museum pieces, it has become a significant museum for the Kanawha Valley. It is toured regularly by the area schools and is open by appointment. Adjacent to the Depot once stood the Freight Depot. The area is now occupied by a building housing the St. Albans Historical Society. It was built in 1998 to nearly match the architectural style and color of the Depot. The Depot and the adjacent St. Albans Historical Society work hand-in-hand, and are open each fall when the Fall Train Excursion passengers board here for two weekends. Other Open Houses are conducted for special functions.
The Depot is available for rent for receptions, Reunions, showers and other functions by calling .