

A nightly display of Christmas lights.
Craft show, various High School Cantatas, please call for further details.
Breakfast with Santa on selected dates, call for details.
Directions: 1 1/2 miles from I-77 from Ripley Exit or 3 1/2 miles from Fairplain Exit.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

I-77 Motorsports Park - Season Championships with Autograph Night

August 18, 2007
Directions: Take exit #132 (Fairplain) from I-77, Turn Right ((North) on Route #21, Take the first right on Route #21 Cedar Lakes Road (next to Burger King), Follow Cedar Lakes Road to I-77

Ripley, WV Motorsports

I-77 Motorsports Park - Christmas In July – Toys for Tots

July 14, 2007
All Classes – Christmas In July – Toys for Tots
Directions: Take exit #132 (Fairplain) from I-77, Turn Right ((North) on Route #21, Take the first right on Route #21 Cedar Lakes Road (next to Burger King), Follow Cedar Lakes Road to I-77

Ripley, WV Motorsports

I-77 Motorsports Park - Independence Day Spectacular – Road Warrior Tour

July 3, 2007
Independence Day Spectacular – Road Warrior Tour - ALL
Directions: Take exit #132 (Fairplain) from I-77, Turn Right ((North) on Route #21, Take the first right on Route #21 Cedar Lakes Road (next to Burger King), Follow Cedar Lakes Road to I-77

Ripley, WV Tours

Golf Course At Sycamore Creek, The

Course Access: Semi-Private
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 1

Ripley, WV Golf Courses

Tradin Days - Fall

An old-fashioned family oriented event with something for everyone, from animals, guns, no ammunition and farm machinery to antiques and crafts. Also available on the grounds will be food and concessions.
The gates open on Friday, September 29 at 4:00 pm; Saturday, September 30

Ripley, WV Other Events

Things to do near Ripley, WV

Adventure Pursuit Triathlon

July 7, 2007 form 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Race fee's vary - see website for details. More than a race - the Adventur...

Golf Course At Sycamore Creek, The

Course Access: Semi-PrivateHoles: 18Reserve Advance Tee Times: 1 days...

North Bend Golf Course

Course Access: Semi-PrivateHoles: 9Reserve Advance Tee Times: Yes...

North Bend State Park - Old Fashioned Engines and Wheels Festival

This festival will feature "Old Fashion Engines & Turn of the Century" Industrial, Oil-Field, & Farm Machinery. There will al...

Mayor's Music Series - Parkersburg

Every Thursday, June thru August Begins at 7pm at the Band Shell area of the Parkersburg City Park. Rain Locati...