

Mountain Lakes Amphitheater - Vintage Rock & Roll Cruise-In Weekend

category : Cruises
Fri. at 8pm - Mike Albert and The Big E Band (Elvis impersonator) with "The Ultimate Tribute".

Sat. at 2pm - Cruise-In at Flatwoods Outlet Mall w/door prizes.

Sat. at 8pm - Phil Dirt and the Dozers presents "Surf's Up" A Tribute to the Beach Boys.

Please call or see our website for more details.

Address: 2000 Sutton Lane

Phone: 304-765-2032
Our Email:

Come visit us in Sutton, West Virginia

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Braxton County Bluegrass Preservation Society - Bluegrass Concerts

Apr-07-2007 Bluegrass Bandits & Lost-n-Lonesome
May-05-2007 Mountain Grass & Stoney Creek

Sutton, WV Other Events

Mountain Lakes Amphitheater - Colgate Country Showdown (Preliminaries)

Colgate Country Showdown with The Boss 97.1 Preliminaries
Showtimes: Saturday at 7:00pm; Sunday at 2:00pm
Ticket Price: $5 at the door
What Is The Country Showdown? The 25

Sutton, WV Other Attractions

Mountain Lakes Amphitheater - Vintage Rock & Roll Cruise-In Weekend

Fri. at 8pm - Mike Albert and The Big E Band (Elvis impersonator) with "The Ultimate Tribute".
Sat. at 2pm - Cruise-In at Flatwoods Outlet Mall w/door prizes.
Sat. at 8pm - Phil Dirt and the Dozers presents "Surf's Up" A Tribute to the Beach Boys.

Sutton, WV Cruises

Mountain Lakes Amphitheater - Colgate Country Showdown Finals

Colgate Country Showdown with The Boss 97.1 Finals
Saturday, July 21, 2007 6:00 PM
Ticket Price: $5 at the door
Each year, more than 50,000 artists compete in the Colgate-sponsored local competitions throughout the U.S. and over $300,000

Sutton, WV Other Attractions

Things to do Cruises near Sutton, WV

Mountain Lakes Amphitheater - Vintage Rock & Roll Cruise-In Weekend

Fri. at 8pm - Mike Albert and The Big E Band (Elvis impersonator) with "The Ultimate Tribute". Sat. at 2pm - Cruise-In...