

21st Annual Valley District Fair
Where: Reedsville Volunteer Fire Department, 14 miles east of Morgantown on WV Route 7; 8 miles west of Kingwood on WV Route 7
Co-Sponsors: Reedsville Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. and Arthurdale Heritage, Inc.
Food, Music, Demo Derby, Parade, ATPA Truck & Tractor Pulls
Visit our website for more information.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Arthurdale Heritage Ice Cream Social

Celebrating the rich history of Arthurdale the nation's first New Deal homestead community. Founded by Eleanor Roosevelt during the Great Depression for displaced WV coal miners. The event includes living history performances, outdoor music concerts, artisans demonstrations, kid'

Arthurdale, WV Other Attractions

Valley District Fair

21st Annual Valley District Fair
Where: Reedsville Volunteer Fire Department, 14 miles east of Morgantown on WV Route 7; 8 miles west of Kingwood on WV Route 7
Co-Sponsors: Reedsville Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. and Arthurdale Heritage, Inc.

Arthurdale, WV Other Events

Arthurdale New Deal Festival

Activities celebrate the history of Arthurdale, the nation’

Arthurdale, WV Other Events

Things to do near Arthurdale, WV

Clarksburg Christmas Parade

The Christmas Parade is a long tradition for the city of Clarksburg. The parade brings in bands and floats from five area co...

Prickett's Fort State Park - Fairmont State University Town & Gown Production - "Fiddler on the Roof"

The award-winning Broadway play comes to Prickett’s Fort State Park Amphitheatre this summer as the second presentation of th...

Monongalia Arts Center - Antique Show and Sale

The Monongalia Arts Center is pleased to announce its 33rd Annual Antiques Show and Sale. There will be 65 dealers fro...

Country Music Association of WV - Bluegrass Night

Local regional bluegrass bands perform from 6-11pm. Admission charged. Located at Sagebrush Round-up at Bunner Ridge Park, si...

WVU Music Series - Symphony Orchestra Concert

7:30 p.m. Musical entertainment Price: $7.00, general admission From I-79: Exit I-79 at Exi...