

April 14, 2007 at 7:00pm
Old Stone Room
Tickets: $45 advance purchase required

Haute Chocolate - an elegant chocolate themed dinner at Carnegie Hall. Part of the Lewisburg Chocolate Festival. Dinner prepared by Chef Tim Rodgers of Blackwell's Restaurant. Featuring a dessert finalé inspired by famed author Chef Marcel DeSaulniers. Music by Harpist Leah Trent. Doors open at 6:30pm.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Giant Fall Flea Market - Lewisburg

The Giant Spring Flea Market will have indoor and outdoor spaces with a wide variety of exhibitors that feature antiques, collectibles, and crafts, as well as new and used merchandise of all kinds.
Vendors are welcome.
Gates open 8:00am daily
Free Admission.
Free Parking/

Lewisburg, WV Other Attractions

Taste of Our Towns Festival (T.O.O.T.)

October 13, 2007
Scheduled during the most colorful time of the year, TOOT is a fall favorite in West Virginia!

Lewisburg, WV Other Events

Carnegie Hall - Old Stone Room - Creative Youth

Recognizing talent from across Greenbrier County, Carnegie Hall proudly presents Creative Youth for the 14th year. This annual juried exhibit is for all Greenbrier County students attending public, private, parochial and home schools, in grades 4-12. The show launches “Art in Schools”

Lewisburg, WV Other Attractions

Carnegie Hall - Special Event - Nordendorper

April 26, 2007 at 7:00pm
Carnegie Hall Auditorium
General Admission $5

Lewisburg, WV Other Attractions

First Nite - Lewisburg

An annual tree lighting celebration with plenty of holiday music and spirit beginning at 6pm.

Lewisburg, WV Other Attractions

Things to do near Lewisburg, WV

Appalachian Highlands Fall Festival

Camp Creek State Park 23: Bluegrass Music, Time: 1:00-8:00 pm 24: Gospel Music, Time: 2:00-6:00 pm...

Little Beaver State Park - Migration Celebration 2007 - Hosted by Three Rivers Avian Center

Migration Celebration 2007 - A festival of West Virginia, our birds & our natural heritage. Hosted by Three Rivers Avi...

Bluetop Bluegrass

Located on Rt 123 W, 2.5 Miles past the Brushfork Armory. Jan- 13, 20, 27...

PMCCC Shrimp Feast

Brushfork National Guard Armory Time: 6:00 pm Directions: Exit 1 off I-77 to Rt. 52 North. Follow Rt. 52 North to JCT. 1...

Carnegie Hall's Tuesdays with Fran Series

Offered the second Tuesday of the month, this series of free concert/lectures featuring the great composers of classical musi...