

At 8 pm on your scheduled night, enter the gates of what was once one of the bloodiest prisons in America for an hour-long guided tour of the facility. At 9 pm begin your paranormal experience and share your stories at midnight during pizza and a movie. Continue exploring for mystical spirits until 6am under the direction of a qualified paranormal investigator or on your own.

We invite you to share your Ghost Hunting experiences with us by sending your experiences, stories to Check our website to see if your stories and pictures have been posted! The cost of attending a ghost hunt is $50.00 per person.

To take part in a ghost hunt you will need to fill out the Ghost Hunt License and Agreement form available below and return to: Ghost Hunt, c/o the MEDC, 818 Jefferson Avenue, Moundsville, WV 26041

Please visit our website for more information.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Moundsville Penitentiary (Prison) Tours

Don't miss the opportunity to experience the shock of what life was like behind the huge, cold walls of the former Moundsville penitentiary. It is in the National Historic Register, and encompasses over 10

Moundsville, WV Tours

Moundsville Country Club

Course Access: Private
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times:

Moundsville, WV Golf Courses

Marshall County Fair

It's a family tradition! Don't miss the Demo Derby, Comcast Family Day, Truck & Tractor Pulls, Diesel & Semi-Truck Pulls and Live entertainment. Plus, carnival rides, sawmill demo, Grandpa Cratchit and much more! Admission just $6.50, includes parking, rides, shows, etc. Located just off Rt. 2 on 12

Moundsville, WV Other Events

Dungeon of Horrors! - Moundsville

Dare to Survive! Be introduced to one on the scariest places behind bars! You will experience the fright of being locked up in a cell, the fear of being lost in a maze and the terror of an eerie walk through the dungeon of horrors! NEW FOR THIS SEASON: CASKET RIDES!

Moundsville, WV Other Attractions

Moundsville Penitentiary (Prison) Ghost Hunts

At 8 pm on your scheduled night, enter the gates of what was once one of the bloodiest prisons in America for an hour-long guided tour of the facility. At 9

Moundsville, WV Other Attractions

Things to do near Moundsville, WV

Toe Tappin' Tuesday's

Held the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of June, July, and August. Free Concerts Starting at 7pm. Park Pool is op...

Transportation Festival 2006

Transportation Festival sponsored by the National Road Alliance of West Virginia. See Exhibits, Activities, Food and ...

Elizabethtown Festival

The Elizabethtown Festival will be held at the former West Virginia Penitentiary on May 19 & 20, 2007 for 10:00am - 6:00pm. ...

Oglebay Institute Schrader Environmental Education Center - If You Ain’t Havin’ Fun Get Off the Trail

Feb. 20th & 27th Informational program about the Appalachian Trail. Learn from a hiker who spent six month on the trai...

Oglebay Institute - "What's Cookin?" Two Centuries of American Foodways

Exhibit on display at the Mansion Museum. An intriguing look at many aspects of food and food culture. Includes phot...