

Held the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of June, July, and August.

Free Concerts Starting at 7pm.
Park Pool is open- $.50 for children $1.00 for adults.

Held at Garden Park off Rt 2 in the middle of the Warwood section of Wheeling.

For additional info please contact the City of Wheeling, at 304-234-3838 or 304-234-3617

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Toe Tappin' Tuesday's Too

Held the First and Third Tuesdays of June, July, and August.
Free Concerts Starting at 7:00 - 9:00pm.
Held at Wheeling Park off US 40.
For additional info please contact the City of Wheeling, at 304-234-3838 or 304-234-3617

Wheeling, WV Other Attractions

Oglebay Institute’s Towngate Theatre - Waiting in the Wings

“Waiting in the Wings,” by Noël Coward
May 25-27 & May 31, June 1- 2 Curtain is 8 p.m. Sunday matinee at 2 p.m.

Wheeling, WV Theatres

Fort Henry Days

Sept 2 & 3, 2006 - Labor Day Weekend Celebration, Oglebay Resort & Conference Center, Wheeling. This free three-day celebration includes an American Heritage Craft Festival, Fort Henry Days and is highlighted by the Wheeling Symphony's "Music Under the Stars" followed by a fireworks display. 800/624

Wheeling, WV Other Events

Oglebay Institute’s Towngate Theatre - Three Sisters

“Three Sisters” by Anton Chekhov
April 13-15 & 19-21 Curtain is 8 p.m. Sunday matinee at 2 p.m.

Wheeling, WV Theatres

Wheeling Caboose Festival at The Kruger Street Toy and Train Museum

3rd Annual Festival celebrating the moving of the "Wheeling Caboose," former Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Caboose C-2019, from the Wheeling waterfront to its current home at the Kruger Street Toy and Train Museum. A variety of displays, activities, food, and more!
Directions are from I-70

Wheeling, WV Other Events

Things to do near Wheeling, WV

Tomlinson Run - Halloween Hayrides

Come and ride with us on a haunted hayride through the campground. $2.00 per person. dusk to 9pm DIRECTIONS: Located...

Oglebay Institute Schrader Environmental Education Center - If You Ain’t Havin’ Fun Get Off the Trail

Feb. 20th & 27th Informational program about the Appalachian Trail. Learn from a hiker who spent six month on the trai...

Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum - "If it's Round and Rolls..."

The model vehicle collection of the late John H. Lontz, Sr. was kindly donated to the Toy Museum by his family, and we're rol...

Oglebay Institute - Mountain Moon Coffeehouse presents... Bluegrass Express

A toe-tappin’ good time is in store for all at the popular bluegrass musical series Mountain Moon Coffeehouse. Several shows...

Toe Tappin' Tuesday's

Held the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of June, July, and August. Free Concerts Starting at 7pm. Park Pool is op...