

With Dr. Kathleen Patnode, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
February 25; 2 p.m.
Learn about environmental topics and scientific research on a variety of issues. Each program features an environmental science expert, is free and open to the public and includes a coffee reception, following the lecture, for further discussion of the topic. The Schrader Environmental Education Center is located in the nationally acclaimed Oglebay Resort, just minutes from interstate 70 in Wheeling. Call 304.242.6855 for more information.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Toe Tappin' Tuesday's

Held the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of June, July, and August.
Free Concerts Starting at 7pm.
Park Pool is open- $.50 for children $1.00 for adults.
Held at Garden Park off Rt 2 in the middle of the Warwood section of Wheeling.

Wheeling, WV Other Attractions

Oglebay Institute Live Music at Towngate presents Kim & Ed & Friends

Oglebay Institute brings some of the Ohio Valley’s most versatile and entertaining musicians to the Towngate Theatre when there is no live theater in production. Local bands take the stage in the intimate and informal setting of the Towngate Theatre, where you’re never more than 10

Wheeling, WV Other Attractions

Oglebay Institute - Mountain Moon Coffeehouse presents... Zeke Hutchinson & Tom Hampton

A toe-tappin’ good time is in store for all at the popular bluegrass musical series Mountain Moon Coffeehouse. Several shows every year provide old-time music appealing to all ages. Delicious homemade refreshments are available. Performances are held at the Stifel Fine Arts Center, 1330

Wheeling, WV Other Attractions

Oglebay Institute - "What's Cookin?" Two Centuries of American Foodways

Exhibit on display at the Mansion Museum.
An intriguing look at many aspects of food and food culture. Includes photographs, documents, and actual items from the 19th and 20

Wheeling, WV Other Attractions

Things to do near Wheeling, WV

Oglebay Resort - Antique Show

Antique Show April 14 – 15, 2007 Wilson Lodge at Oglebay Sponsored by Oglebay Institute April 14 ...

Moundsville Penitentiary - Dungeon of Horrors (Haunted House)

It's the SCARIEST haunted "Big House" in the area! Join us for a FRIGHTENING night of fun at one of America's most haunted pr...

Oglebay Institute - Cabaret with Barbara Good

A veteran performer with countless songs in her varied repertoire, Barbara Good accompanies herself at the magnificent Stifel...

Elizabethtown Festival

The Elizabethtown Festival will be held at the former West Virginia Penitentiary on May 19 & 20, 2007 for 10:00am - 6:00pm. ...

Brooke Hills Playhouse - Honky Tonk Laundry

by Roger Bean From Roger Bean, the man behind Route 66, a comes a new musical revue featuring the songs of Dolly Parto...