

Oglebay Institute Schrader Environmental Education Center - If You Ain’t Havin’ Fun Get Off the Trail

category : Other Attractions
Feb. 20th & 27th

Informational program about the Appalachian Trail. Learn from a hiker who spent six month on the trail, discover facts and figures about the trail, stories from famous hikers, threats to the trail and how to plan your own thru-hike. 7 p.m. at the Schrader Environmental Education Center. Free and open to the public. Call 304.242.6855 for more information. The Schrader is located in the nationally acclaimed Oglebay Resort, just minutes from interstate 70 in Wheeling.

Address: Oglebay Institute's Schrader Environmental Education Center / Mountain Camp
1330 National Road
Phone: 304-242-6855
Our Email:

Come visit us in Wheeling, West Virginia

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Transportation Festival 2006

Transportation Festival sponsored by the National Road Alliance of West Virginia.
See Exhibits, Activities, Food and More.
Open to the public and free admission.
Directions are from I-70 to Exit 5(Elm Grove/Tridelphia. At Bottom of Ramp, Turn Left. Go 50

Wheeling, WV Other Events

Toe Tappin' Tuesday's Too

Held the First and Third Tuesdays of June, July, and August.
Free Concerts Starting at 7:00 - 9:00pm.
Held at Wheeling Park off US 40.
For additional info please contact the City of Wheeling, at 304-234-3838 or 304-234-3617

Wheeling, WV Other Attractions

Oglebay Institute’s Towngate Theatre - Long Day’s Journey Into Night

“Long Day’s Journey Into Night” by Eugene O’Neil
March 2-4 & 8-10 Curtain is 8 p.m. Sunday matinee at 2 p.m.

Wheeling, WV Theatres

Oglebay Resort - Boo at the Zoo

Boo at the Zoo
October 18 - 21, and 25 – 28, 2007
Located at the Good Zoo
Non-members $5.00
Members $4.00
Spooky Train Ride $1.00
Daily 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Wheeling, WV Businesses

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