

Lebanese-American Heritage Festival - Mahrajan

category : Other Events
Celebrate WV's largest Lebanese-American Heritage Festival with family and friends in Wheeling's beautiful Oglebay Park.

Sunday, August 12, 10:30am-7pm.
Traditional Maronite Catholic mass at 10:30AM on site.

For nearly 75 years, thousands of visitors return home from across the country to enjoy our authentic Lebanese food, music and dance. Featuring the Middle Eastern Dance Troupe of Cincinnati 'Alhambra'.

Free admission and parking.
Activities for the entire family. Handicapped accessible. Rain or Shine event.

Fund raiser for the state's only Maronite Catholic Church. Visit for more information.

Address: 2216 Eoff Street

Phone: 304-233-1688
Our Email:

Come visit us in Wheeling, West Virginia

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Oglebay Resort - Antique Show

Antique Show
April 14 – 15, 2007
Wilson Lodge at Oglebay
Sponsored by Oglebay Institute
April 14 – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
April 15 – Sunday, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Admission is $6.00

Wheeling, WV Businesses

Oglebay Resort - Boo at the Zoo

Boo at the Zoo
October 18 - 21, and 25 – 28, 2007
Located at the Good Zoo
Non-members $5.00
Members $4.00
Spooky Train Ride $1.00
Daily 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Wheeling, WV Businesses

Victoria Vaudeville Theater - Gospel Show

Gospel Show at the Victoria Vaudeville Theater.
Show time is 7:00pm.

Wheeling, WV Other Attractions

Wheeling Feeling Chili Cook-off

The Wheeling Feeling Chili Cook-off is an ICS (International Chili Society) sanctioned event. 2004 will be the third annual Wheeling Feeling Chili Cook-off held at Wheeling's scenic Heritage Port Amphitheater. ICS Chili Cooks can enter by calling (304) 234-3636 or e-mail rhwarmouth@

Wheeling, WV Other Attractions

Oglebay Institute’s Towngate Theatre - Long Day’s Journey Into Night

“Long Day’s Journey Into Night” by Eugene O’Neil
March 2-4 & 8-10 Curtain is 8 p.m. Sunday matinee at 2 p.m.

Wheeling, WV Theatres

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