Birmingham, Alabama
- 7 - 4Helen Keller Student Art Show - Birmingham - Annual exhibition of artwork by Alabama students who are visually impaired. The exhibition will travel to other sites throughout the state. ... more on Helen Keller Student Art Show
- 15 - 7Art in Bloom - Birmingham - Annual juried show of Birmingham Art Association. Opening reception, Apr. 7, 6-8 p.m.; other hours: Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. ... more on Art in Bloom
- 17280 Station Art Exhibit - Birmingham - We are looking for new, up and coming artists in the Birmingham area. Requests are now being accepted for the 280 Station Art Exhibit in Inverness on ... more on 280 Station Art Exhibit
- 16 - 17Artwalk - Birmingham - Artwalk will hold its Annual Juried Art Show, transforming Birmingham's loft neighborhood into an arts district, featuring the work of more than 100 v ... more on Artwalk
- 29 - 6Alabama Woodworkers Guild Annual Juried Show - Birmingham - Display of items built or created by members of the Guild will be judged by category and skill level, with ribbons presented for first, second and thi ... more on Alabama Woodworkers Guild Annual Juried Show
- 5Art in Avondale Park - Birmingham - Free, public art event designed to inspire children to discover their talents through a variety of art lessons provided by local art teachers, artists ... more on Art in Avondale Park
- 13Art in Avondale Park - Birmingham - Art in Avondale Park is a FREE celebration of the arts in children's lives. Come enjoy arts activities and musical performances, browse the booths of ... more on Art in Avondale Park