

Beatrice, Nebraska

Upcoming Events in Beatrice Nebraska

To Beatrice calendar of events

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Chautaqua Tabernacle

The Chautauqua, which operated annual summer assemblies from 1889 until the 1920's, based on high moral standards and offered secular and religious

Beatrice, NE Historic Churches

Paddock Hotel

In 1888 U.S. Senator Algernon Paddock built a hotel and a large opera house. That structure was destroyed by fire on August
1, 1919. Two years later a hotel company was organized, resulting in the New Paddock Hotel, which was completed in 1924.

Beatrice, NE Historic Hotels

Gage County Museum

Gage County Historical Society and Museum is housed in the Burlington Railroad Depot built in 1906 in the Neo-Classical Revival style. The building was constructed of Omaha pressed brick with Bedford stone trim at the cost of $35,000, and is listed on the

Beatrice, NE Museums

Gage County Courthouse

This limestone Richardson Romanesque structure with a clock tower was erected in 1890-1892, and has served as the location for the administration of local government and institutions for Gage County for over 100

Beatrice, NE Historic Courthouses

City Parks & RV Camps

Chautauqua Park - This city park winds around the Big Blue River with acres of shaded, scenic recreation areas. Located next to the historic Chautauqua Tabernacle pavilion the RV camping area has complete facilities including hookups for 15-20

Beatrice, NE RV Parks

Things to do near Beatrice, NE

Branched Oak Hunting/Trapping

Quail, dove, pheasant, squirrel, cottontail rabbit and white tail deer abound in the woods and grasslands around Branched Oak...