

Hays, Kansas

Upcoming Events in Hays Kansas

To Hays calendar of events

Attractions and Upcoming Events

K.S.U. Ag Research Center

The 1895 Kansas legislature declared, "The experience of the settlers of the settlers upon the plains of western Kansas has demonstrated conclusively that agriculture cannot be pursued with profit under existing natural conditions."

Hays, KS Education Centers

Historic Church Tours

There are more historic German Catholic churches in Ellis County then any other county in Kansas. They were built of native limestone over 100

Hays, KS Historic Churches

Historic Hays Driving Tour

A self-guided driving tour to over 30 locations throughout the community provides the opportunity to see some of the most important landmarks, historic sites and points of interest in Hays. The tour begins at 27th &

Hays, KS Historic Markers

KS Merci Boxcar Museum & Veterans Memorial Park

Kansas Merci Boxcar Museum & Veterans Memorial Park At the close of World War II the French nation was devastated. Reconstruction was a slow process. Farmlands had been ravished. War-damaged factories had to be rebuilt and retooled before industry could begin the production of civilian goods. By 19

Hays, KS Museums

Bickle/Schmidt Sports Complex

Bickle/Schmidt Sports Complex 1376 Hwy 40 Hays, KS 67601 785-623-2650 Fax: 785-623-2650 Construction of the Bickle/Schmidt Sports Complex began in 2010 and completed in the fall of 2011. This brand new facility sits on 120

Hays, KS Sports Complexes

Things to do near Hays, KS

WaKeeney Livestock Auction Barn

Grasp a taste of the western Kansas rancher's lifestyle at the WaKeeney Livestock Auction Barn where the second largest lives...