

North Platte, Nebraska

Upcoming Events in North Platte Nebraska

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Attractions and Upcoming Events


Northe Platte boasts four unique golf courses that score big with golfers of all abilities. Whatever your handicap, the Northe Platte area has the course for you.

Indian Meadows Golf Course: This is a mature, challenging 9

North Platte, NE Golf Courses

Hotel Yancy

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the hotel is named for William L. Yancey, who became its proprietor after signing a lease with Keith Neville and Alex Beck in 1928. Construction began in March 1929

North Platte, NE National Register

20th Century Veteran's Memorial

The 20th Century Veterans' Memorial is a permanent memorial dedicated to and honoring the military men and women of the United States who served their country during the 20th Century. The monument is located in North Platte's Iron Horse Park, which is adjacent to the busy "crossroads"

North Platte, NE Memorials

Things to do near North Platte, NE

Sherman Reservoir Hunting Information

Sherman Reservoir Wildlife Area---Nebraska Game and Parks Substantial hunting opportunities are available on the Sherman R...