

Durham, North Carolina

Upcoming Events in Durham North Carolina

To Durham calendar of events

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Art Craft Framing Company

Custom framing. Specializes in custom archival &

Durham, NC Arts

Carolina Barnstormers

Pilot Mike Ratty is a retired American Airlines Captain. He has flown for over 35 years, including a stint in the Alaskan wilderness. Enjoy a sunset flight or an early morning flight. See such features as Duke University and Falls Lake. $50 single; $70 double.

Durham, NC Other Attractions

North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company - Heritage Museum

Nation's oldest and largest African-American Insurance Company. Twelve stories of steel and glass stand on former site of B.N. Duke's home, Four Acres. Contains pictorial review of the company. Tours can be arranged.

Durham, NC Museums

Things to do near Durham, NC

Amtrak Station - Burlington

Attendant is on duty daily at this renovated station to answer passenger questions beginning one hour before each train arriv...

U.S. Flea Market Mall

Open Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. ...

Twin Cedars Golf Course

18 holes, ;clubhouse, rstrnt./lounge, range, putt. green, pro shop, ;Open year-round, ;336/751-5824, ;