Meriden, Connecticut
- 13Spring Concert - Meriden - Chorale Connecticut celebrates it's 10th anniversary with a concert featuring highlights from past concerts. ... more on Spring Concert
106 suites (some with fireplace), fully equipped kitchen, TV, private entrance;
Meriden, CT LodgingCommemorative monument lists the names of 125
Meriden, CT MemorialsOld-world elegant hotel. 92 rooms (four suites), rest., lounge, TV, coffeemaker, health club, two I pools....
Over 50 varieties of roses, peak bloom June and July; annuals, perennials, and herbs. Garden in bloom Apr.-Oct....
The Doors of Madison Welcome You! Come to the Visitors Information Center on the Green....
Commemorative monument lists the names of 125 Connecticut law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty....
Tour three historic homes, herb gardens, and grounds. Country store with unique gifts, special exhibits and events....