

Odessa, Texas

Upcoming Events in Odessa Texas

To Odessa calendar of events

Attractions and Upcoming Events

The Meteor Crater

The Meteor Crater, approximately 550 feet in diameter, is the second largest in the nation. The crater is the result of a barrage of meteors crashing to the earth some 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. It is approximately ten miles west of Odessa, via Business 20

Odessa, TX Natural Attractions

Largest Jack Rabbit

The "World's Largest Jack Rabbit" was first pioneered by former Attorney General John Ben Shepperd during his term as Odessa Chamber of Commerce president in 1962

Odessa, TX One Of A Kinds

Pecos Depot

This landmark depot was purchased from the Panhandle- Santa Fe Railway in 1972. Built in 1892 it served as a railway terminal until 1950. It was then moved to Odessa and next to the historical Barn Door Restaurant in 1972

Odessa, TX Railroad History

Texon Santa Fe Depot Museum

The Town of Texon, Texas was founded in 1924 by the Big Lake Oil Company. Texon was established on the railroad line owned by the Kansas City, Mexico, and Orient of Texas Railroad. This railroad line extended from San Angelo to Alpine and survived mainly on Texas oil traffic. In 1924

Odessa, TX Railroad History

Things to do near Odessa, TX

El Paso Museum of Art

Multimillion-dollar Kress Collection and Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington; frequent exhibits of classical and con...

Reeves County Golf Course

Course Access: PublicHoles: 11Reserve Advance Tee Times: Yes...

Painted Dunes Golf Course

Course Access: PublicHoles: 18Reserve Advance Tee Times: 7 days...