

Ripley, West Virginia

Upcoming Events in Ripley West Virginia

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Mountain State Beegle Association - State Beegle Hunt

The Mountain State Beegle Association will be hosting the State Beegle Hunt. Registration will be on Friday September 15, 2006. On Saturday September 16 the hunt will begin at 6 am and the bench will begin around 5:30

Ripley, WV Businesses

I-77 Motorsports Park - Kids Club Night

July 21, 2007
All Classes – Kids Club Night - Kids Rides – Box Car Races
Directions: Take exit #132 (Fairplain) from I-77, Turn Right ((North) on Route #21, Take the first right on Route #21 Cedar Lakes Road (next to Burger King), Follow Cedar Lakes Road to I-77

Ripley, WV Motorsports

Jackson County Gospel Sing

The Jackson County Gospel Sing Group is hosting a gospel sing this event is family oriented event. The Sing will start on Friday, June 23 at 7 pm and Saturday, June 24 will begin at 3

Ripley, WV Other Attractions

I-77 Motorsports Park - Tyler / I-77 Clash Part II

August 11, 2007
TYLER/I77 CLASH PART II (No Outlaws, FWD)- 4H/FFA Night
Directions: Take exit #132 (Fairplain) from I-77, Turn Right ((North) on Route #21, Take the first right on Route #21 Cedar Lakes Road (next to Burger King), Follow Cedar Lakes Road to I-77

Ripley, WV Arts

Spring Tradin Days - Jackon County

An old-fashioned family oriented event with something for everyone!
Animals, guns (no ammunition), farm machinery to antiques and crafts. Food and concessionsare also available.
The gates open on Friday at 4:00 pm, a Gospel Sing will be held at 7:00pm.
Saturday gates open at 8:00

Ripley, WV Other Events

Things to do near Ripley, WV

Very Special Arts Festival

For students with disabilities. Presented by ARTSBRIDGE and WVU-P. Takes place at WVU's Parkersburg Campus. Pe...

North Bend State Park - Easter Weekend

Join us for a Sunrise service, an Easter egg hunt and the Easter Bunny will be here too. Contact: North Bend State Park Acti...

Tradin Days - Fall

An old-fashioned family oriented event with something for everyone, from animals, guns, no ammunition and farm machinery to a...

Wirt County Pioneer Day

5th Annual Pioneer Day. October 16th. Visit Elizabeth, WV’s Courthouse square and mingle with pioneers, union and confederat...

North Bend State Park - Old Fashioned Engines and Wheels Festival

This festival will feature "Old Fashion Engines & Turn of the Century" Industrial, Oil-Field, & Farm Machinery. There will al...