Wichita, Kansas
- 18 - 19OddBall Craft Show - Wichita - This is a new adventure for us. Gayl & Martha, are trying to provide a place where you can show and sell your items. Trying to keep the price down and ... more on OddBall Craft Show
- 24 - 25Annual Holiday House - Wichita - Holiday House is an annual craft show sponsored by Prairie Pilot Club of Wichita. Shop in a quiet, unhurried atmosphere, in a different model home eac ... more on Annual Holiday House
Upcoming Events in Wichita Kansas
- Women's Fair - Wichita
- Mother's Day at the Sedgwick County Zoo - Wichita
- Wet-N-Wild Days - Wichita
- Annual Wichita River Festival - Wichita
- The Kansas Numismatic Association KNA Coin & Stamp Show - Wichita