Lindsborg, Kansas
- 7Midsommardag - Midsummer's Day Festival - Lindsborg - The celebration of the Summer solstice was originally a fertility festival with many customs and rituals associated with nature and with the hope for ... more on Midsommardag - Midsummer's Day Festival
- 10 - 11Svensk Hyllningsfest - Lindsborg - Lindsborg's Svensk Hyllningsfest is a biennial tribute to the Swedish pioneers occurring in October of odd numbered years. The festival feature ... more on Svensk Hyllningsfest
- 6Lucia Festival - Lindsborg - Second Saturday - Lucia Fest ushers in Christmas season according to 18th century Swedish tradition, live Christmas music, folk dancing, and crowning ... more on Lucia Festival
Upcoming Events in Lindsborg Kansas
- Annual Chocolate Lover's Affair and Art Auction - Lindsborg
- Messiah Festival of the Arts - Lindsborg
- Artists' Studio Spring Open House - Lindsborg
- Millfest - Lindsborg
- Midsommardag - Midsummer's Day Festival - Lindsborg