Sedan, Kansas
- 4Lions Club Fireworks - Sedan - Fireworks professionally done at the Sedan City Lake at dusk on Saturday! No charge but donations appreciated. Come and have a picnic. Visit Sedan - ... more on Lions Club Fireworks
More than a dozen retail shops along Main Street are housed in structures built prior to the turn-of-the-century, including Ackarman Hardware, which opened its doors in 1879 and is the valued cornerstone of Sedan'
Sedan, KS Historic DowntownsThe Yellow Brick Road in Sedan circles the entire downtown area with 11,786 purchased bricks with people's names inscribed on them. Every state in the United States is represented at least once, and 28
Sedan, KS One Of A KindsSt. Charles Country School House is Sedan's most scenic setting with gazebo, winding board walk over a stream,and an outdoor theatre all in the hollow open to all. "The Hollow"
Sedan, KS Historic BuildingsNo fees required. No reservations required Must always wear a life jacket. Open 30 minutes after sunup to 30 minutes be...