

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Lakin City Park

While enjoying your stay in Lakin, stop and relax at Lakin City park. With a swimming pool, basketball facility, and a playground, everyone is sure to be pleased.

Lakin, KS Recreation

Lakin Municipal Golf Course

The course, 9 holes with grass greens, was one of the first in southwest Kansas with an underground sprinkler system and bluegrass fairways. It\'s located at Louck\'s Park.

Lakin, KS Golf Courses

Loucks Municipal Park

Sunshine and fresh air abound at Loucks Municipal Park, two miles west of Lakin on U.S. HWY 50. Donated by Charles A. and Rhonda Loucks in 1950, Loucks is an 80

Lakin, KS Recreation

Conestoga Wagon

The Conestoga Wagons were used primarily to haul freight on the Santa Fe Trail and other freight trails. They could handle two tons of goods. The wagon in our displayed in the Museum Comples bears the inscription "Joseph Edgar - 1831". There is a series of 1939

Lakin, KS Pioneer History

Historic O'Loughlin House

The O'Loughlin house was called, "The Little White House", as it was the largest building in the town and was the center for social gatherings, church services, meetings and housed visiting dignitaries. The White House is the oldest two-story house in Lakin. It was built in 1875

Lakin, KS Museums

Things to do near Lakin, KS

Lake Coldwater Fishing

Species of fish in Lake Coldwater are Channel Catfish, Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Wiper, Black Bullhead, Bluegill, and Green S...

Historic Walking/Driving Tour

The brochure outlines a self-guided walking and/or driving tour of historic sites in Dodge City, The Santa Fe Trail and Fort ...