

Chadron, Nebraska

Upcoming Events in Chadron Nebraska

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Museum of the Fur Trade

This first industry of the West involved Native Americans with trappers and traders of several nationalities. The Bordeaux Trading Post, built in 1837

Chadron, NE Museums

Mari Sandoz Heritage Room

Chadron State College Administration Building, 2

Chadron, NE Museums

Pine Ridge National Recreation Area

6,600 acres for semi-primitive recreation. No motorized vehicles. Mountain bikes permitted.

Chadron, NE Recreation

Nebraska National Forest (Pine Ridge District)

Deer & turkey hunting on public lands. Hiking, biking, &

Chadron, NE National Forests

Dawes County Historical Society Museum

Genealogy & history research library, log house & barn, school, church &

Chadron, NE Museums

Things to do near Chadron, NE

Knight Museum & Sandhills Center

The Knight Museum & Sandhills Center is located in Alliance's Central Park. This FREE history museum welcomes area visitors, ...

Railroad History

The Belmont Tunnel south of Crawford is the only...

The Sheridan County Fair and Rodeo

Held in Gordon each year on the third week of August, the Sheridan County Fair and Rodeo is the third largest rodeo in Nebras...