

Washington, Kansas

Upcoming Events in Washington Kansas

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Washington County State Lake

Washington State Lake is Located 7 miles North and 3 miles West of Washington. The 111-acre lake is surrounded by 352

Washington, KS Recreation

1882 Log Cabin

The cabin originally was built in 1882 by the John Pecha family near Odell, Nebraska, and was moved to Washington in 1970 by the Fidelia Study Club.

Washington, KS Pioneer Life

LCL Buffalo Ranch and Museum

Over 200 head of buffalo roam the pastures throughout three counties on the ranch owned by Lester C. Lawrence. A portion of the herd may be seen along K-9, north Clifton, where the ranch headquarters is located.

Washington, KS Museums

Allis Chalmers Antique Tractor Museum

The museum holding the world's largest, private collection of antique Allis-Chalmer tractors was dedicated on May 29, 1998

Washington, KS Museums

Things to do near Washington, KS

Seneca Recreation

Listed below are just a few of the fun things to enjoy while you're in Seneca. Feel free to contact the Chamber of Commerc...

Banner Creek Trails

There is a 5.2 mile roundtrip hiking and bicycling tralil was opened to the public in the spring of 1999 on the reservoir\'s ...