

Martinsburg, West Virginia

Upcoming Events in Martinsburg West Virginia

To Martinsburg calendar of events

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Best Christmas Pageant Ever at the Apollo Theater

Nov.30 and Dec.1 performances at 8:00pm.
Tickets: Adults $15.00, children $7.00
Dec.2 performance at 2:30pm.
Tickets: Adults $12.00, children $7.00
Directions: North on I-81 to Exit 13 (King Street)

Martinsburg, WV Other Events

WV Book Faire

This growing event is in its third year and will be a gathering of readers, authors and aspiring writers. You will have a chance to meet some of your favorite authors and acquire new ones while joining in discussion groups, participate in workshops, meeting the authors and having books signed.

Martinsburg, WV Other Attractions

All-day Holiday Open House at Orr's Farm Market

More information later on website. Directions: I-81 South: Exit 13/W. King St.; right onto W. King 1.7 miles to Arden-Nollville Rd.; left for 2.3 miles south to Orr Drive on right. I-81 Norh: Exit 8/Tablers Station Rd.; left off ramp onto Tablers Station Rd. for 1.8 miles west;

Martinsburg, WV Agriculture

Old Fashioned Christmas at the Belle Boyd House

Christmas Open House and Entertainment
The Berkeley County Historical Society will celebrate the Christmas season again this year with beautiful decorations and with lively entertainment and refreshments on the weekends. The Christmas season begins on Friday November 23

Martinsburg, WV Other Events

Things to do near Martinsburg, WV

This Race is for the Birds! - Potomac Audubon Society

The Potomac Valley Audubon Society will hold its fifth annual "Race for the Birds" 5k walk/run on Saturday, October 29 on the...

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park - Rally For Virginia 1861: From Citizens to Soldiers

Rally For Virginia 1861: From Citizens to Soldiers will present The Southern Grays as a camp of mustering Virginia State Troo...

Morgan Cabin Festival

Held from 12-4pm Music by the Patent Pending Bluegrass Band Fried Chicken Lunch served at 12. Adults $7 and chi...

Best Christmas Pageant Ever at the Apollo Theater

Nov.30 and Dec.1 performances at 8:00pm. Tickets: Adults $15.00, children $7.00 Dec.2 performance at 2:30pm.

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park - Potomac Watershed Cleanup

Volunteers interested in the environment will remove unwanted trash at Harpers Ferry NHP from 9am to noon. Contact ...