

Alamogordo, New Mexico

Upcoming Events in Alamogordo New Mexico

To Alamogordo calendar of events

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Tularosa Basin Historical Society Museum

One of the most unique exhibits at the Tularosa Basin Historical Society Museum is a 47 Star, US Flag. Presently it is known that there are only two 47

Alamogordo, NM Museums

New Mexico Museum of Space History

The New Mexico Museum of Space History is one of 15

Alamogordo, NM Museums

Veterans Memorial Park Flyers Association

Model aviation and rocketry, 2 paved runways, C/

Alamogordo, NM Aviation

Shroud Exhibit and Museum (SEAM)

Unique Shroud of Turin interactive exhibit at the White Sands Mall. We offer a back-lit, full-sized (14' x 3.5') picture, the only interactive VP-8 Image Analyzer 3D viewer experience, New Mexico shroud research and other items of interest. SEAM and the VP-8

Alamogordo, NM Museums

Things to do near Alamogordo, NM

Oasis State Park

194-acres, fishing, camping, hiking, picnicking, playground, bird watching....

Hobbs Country Club

Course Access: PrivateHoles: 18Reserve Advance Tee Times: 1 days...