Crawford, Nebraska
- 29 - 30Million Dollar Shootout - Crawford
- 3 - 4Memorial Golf Tournament - Crawford
When Albert Meng was preparing to build a pond in the early 1950
Crawford, NE ArchaeologyNebraska's largest and most historic state park, Fort Robinson was an active military post from 1874 to 1948
Crawford, NE FortsLegend Buttes Golf Course has been designated by the World Herald as one of the best 18 golf courses in Nebraska. The 3,178 yard, 36
Crawford, NE Golf CoursesFrom about 1857 to 1876, an Indian "trading post" occupied a site near here. Built by James Bordeaux, the trading station was often attacked and set afire by hostile Crow warriors. Fortunately some friendly Sioux Indians came to the rescue and drove off the attacking Crow.
Crawford, NE Pioneer Life
Fort Robinson State Park's shady campground offers electrical hookup sites plus primitive sites. Conveniently located are mod...