

Columbus, Nebraska

Upcoming Events in Columbus Nebraska

To Columbus calendar of events

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Quincentenary Belltower

This unique monument to Columbus' first voyage to the new world is made from 10 large bells that are historically significant to the area.

Columbus, NE Monuments

Platte County Historical Society Museum

Features the complete 1857 log cabin of Frederick Gottschalk, one of Columbus' founders, turn-of-the-century barbershop, and county school room.

Columbus, NE Museums

Lake North

200-acre power-storage lake provides

Columbus, NE Recreation

Things to do near Columbus, NE

State Recreation Area/WMA

Dead Timber State Recreation Area/Powderhorn Wildlife Management Area - Both areas provide an ideal setting for outdoor ac...

Ionia Volcano

According to historians, when the explorers, Lewis and Clark, were passing by the bluffs near the site of the present town...